Wednesday, March 5, 2008


Love this BLOG! These topics are awesome to read and better than watching the Today show in the morning.  Way to go ladies!
side note:  "Hey guys! Guys, look at this" hmm...the universal term for a group is guys.  Is this because Women have been given equal status as Men or the other way around?

Uncommon Women Bake Sale Today in the NUG 1130-1 BE THERE
Male Voice Auditions at 11am outside of Room 702 We will have sides for you
Tickets go on sale Monday! 
Please E mail with your name and the number of tickets, you will receive a confirmation E Mail
There are limited tickets for each show, get them fast!

Dates and Times are:
Friday March 28 330 RP Room
Sat March 29 330 8th Floor
Sun March 30 2pm R P Room


Alice said...


Alice said...

"side note: "Hey guys! Guys, look at this" hmm...the universal term for a group is guys. Is this because Women have been given equal status as Men or the other way around?"

This happens in other languages as well. In French, when referring to a group of both men and women, you use the male form of reference even if there is only one man in a group of women. This topic is highly debated in France by feminists there.

What do you all think? Worth the fight?