Wednesday, March 12, 2008


As I am sure you are all aware, Eliot Spitzer resigned from his post as governor this afternoon. The reason for this was of course, the $80,000 tab that he racked up on prostitutes. While on the treadmill yesterday, I caught "Hot Topics" brought to us by none other than, the ladies of The View. During their discussion they brought up the significance of Spitzer's "apology" and presence of his wife at his side, through the press conferences. If any of you have seen clips of these, you'll notice the unmistakable sadness in her eyes. It's truly painful to witness. Whoopi and the girls talked about why they thought Mrs. Spitzer was standing by her husband. Perhaps she feels a sense of loyalty, wants to avoid her own media attention, she's being strong for her daughters... there are a million reasons why and we can only speculate. But what do you think? ...and would you be able to/ want to do the same??

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