Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Uncommonly Lethal

Everyday, the news bring us stories of terrorists and suicide bombers, who all hold one thing in common; they are male. Today BBC news has reported a story; "Female Bomber Kills 6 in Iraq." Gender-biased as it may be, I have never really thought about women in the role of suicide bomber. Reading the article made me chilly, and it is disturbing to say the least. The anonymous martyr is the eighth woman in Iraq to do it, this year. One reason for the increase, is the ability, for women to more easily hide things under their clothes. You may not be as taken aback by this article as I was... but what do you think??

It has been my observation that almost no comments are being made to the posts!! This is a forum for young women to discuss! I urge you to take advantage of this opportunity and open the dialogue!!

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