Friday, March 7, 2008


Very often I think about the close friends I have that are female; I'll be honest they are in small numbers. I have always credited that fact with just getting along better with males... sometimes brushing it off as a personality flaw. But I would be lying to say that I haven't observed the same "flaw" in other women... including within my small group of friends. So without rambling... I was reading this month's "HOT TOPIC" in Harper's Bazaar, that addressed this very issue! In fact, it confirmed that my observations in others of the same sex, are valid! The column is written by Philippa Gregory, the author of The Other Boleyn Girl. She blames our difficulties communicating with one another and sustaining relationships, on our innate tendency for rivalry. I try everyday to be a good friend whatever that may entail, to my girlfriends, but know I am not always successful. She includes humorous how-to tips on avoiding cattiness and being the best women we can be! I urge you all to pick up the March issue of Bazaar, and check it out!

P.S. What are your thoughts??

1 comment:

We Are Uncommon said...

The rivalry between women is scary. And I am not one judge, becuase I do it too. There are rules of friendship, a place that you hold, and standards you have to abide by. For example, and I am ashamed to say this, but in high school I had a fat friend to make me look better. And then my senior year she got skinny, and I gained some weight, I was FURIOUS. I could no longer be around her becuase I was so insanly upset at myself, at her, at myself for being so judgemental. It was really quite sad. Since then her and I have become close again (3 months after the fact), we addressed the issue and realized that it wasnt our looks that made us friends but the fun we had together.
It was one of the moments in my life where I realized some things I needed to re-evaluate when it comes to friendships, espically with girls.
Ive never been a "girl friendly" girl, Im more of a guys gal. Ive found that girls are bitchy, catty, rude, and over all not worth my time. However, I do have maybe 3 girls that I would consider close friends who I dont have to fullfill expectations with, I can just be me. And with 3..thats really all I need.

I know this comment rambled but I needed to get it out there.